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What does the Family Court do?

The Family Court is a part of Aotearoa New Zealand’s District Court. The Family Court can help you and your whānau work out issues relating to the following issues and topics.

Family violence

You can apply to the Family Court for a Protection Order against a family member or someone that you are in a domestic relationship with (for example, a current or past partner, spouse or flatmate).

Find out more about protection orders

Care and protection of children and young people

Including parenting arrangements and applications from Oranga Tamariki.

Read our articles about guardianship of children and young people

Read our articles about parenting after separation

Read our articles about child abuse and neglect

Read the Ministry of Justice information about keeping children safe

Paternity and child support

The Family Court deal with applications to establish the paternity of a child (this can also be decided by the High Court).

Find out more about paternity and how it is established

Find out more about child support

Separation and divorce

The Family Court can help if issues arise when couples separate or get a divorce.

Read our articles about relationship separations

Property and assets from a marriage, civil union, or de facto relationship (relationship property)

The Family Court can help apply the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 when a couple are separating.

Read our articles about issues relating to relationship property

Adoption and surrogacy

The Family Court deal with applications relating to adoption such as:

  • adopting a child under the Adoption Act, or
  • accessing Court records relating to an adoption.

Find out more about your rights when you want to adopt a child

Challenging a will

Depending on what grounds you are challenging the will, you apply to either the High Court or the Family Court.

Find out more about the process for challenging a will

Treatment for people with mental illness, intellectual disability and substance addictions held in compulsory care

The Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act applies to those situations where a person needs treatment for a mental disorder and they don't agree to it.

Find out more about the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act

Managing the property and welfare decisions for adults who have lost mental capacity

If a family member or close friend is losing their ability to make decisions about themselves, and they do not already have an Enduring Power of Attorney in place, you can protect them by applying to the Family Court.

Find out more about what to do if someone is losing their mental capacity to make decisions

Read our articles about powers of attorney

More information

Find out more about the Family Court


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